While printing or exporting a payment voucher, if the option Print Bank Transactions Details was set to No, the error message Error in TDL.This occurred only when the voucher type had Default Accounting Allocations configured to calculate discounts on current subtotals. While recording an invoice with more than one discount ledger, the amount was calculated incorrectly for the last discount ledger.Updates for TDS and TCS: You can maintain your books as per the revised slab rates applicable for surcharge Product Improvements You can generate the text files from Tally.ERP 9 as per the validation requirements of FVU version 6.6 for forms 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, and 27EQ

Total Qualifying amount under Chapter VI-A is supported.Total Gross amount under Chapter VI-A is supported.Total amount under Chapter VI-A is replaced by Total Deductible amount under Chapter VI-A.In Salary Detail – Chapter VI A Details (C6A) of the text file generated for the 4th quarter for Form 24Q, the columns are updated as follows:.In Deductee Details (DD) of the text files generated for forms 24Q, 26Q, 27Q, and 27EQ, fillers are provided to support the new columns 43, 44, 45, 46, and 47.Support for File Validation Utility (FVU) version 6.6: The latest FVU Version 6.6 is supported with the following updates: The corresponding updates are supported in the JSON file format as well.

Tally erp 9.6.6 download Offline#
Updates for GSTR-3B: You can now export GSTR-3B report to the latest MS Excel offline template GSTR3B_Excel_Utility_V4.3.xlsm.